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notizen zu ‘amateure im netz’ buchvorstellung/podiumsdiskussion

@stormgrass hat mir im vor­feld den auf­trag erteilt,
die def­i­n­i­tion von ‘ama­teure im netz’,
die bei der ver­anstal­tung im depot-café bemüht würde,
mit zu kar­togra­phieren.

… und dann zu twit­tern …

Well. Had me lap­top on my knees and hap­pend to ham­mer down notices all through­out the pre­sen­ta­tion and fol­low­ing dis­cus­sion. Can’t make that into 140 char­ac­ters.
I was pissed of. Only the last 15 min­utes made any sense and had me calmed down.

fun­ny thing, this may have been the first such event, where I did­n’t join the dis­cus­sion. Can’t keep me mouth shut; nor­mal­ly.
This time, no chance. No idea, where to start, if I had tak­en the mike. To much on my list of notes …

… but that’s exact­ly why I now pub­lish my whole remarks here.

So, with­out fur­ther ado, here’s what I typed down into ‘ama­teure im netz.txt’. Not edit­ed, not nice. Maybe I’ll get back to it and will write a lit­tle bit more about this evening, the evenings dis­cus­sion and the dynam­ic of this talk.

— ama­teure im netz.txt —