Will be there, will be holding a workshop …
AMRO — Art Meets Radical Openness 2016, Linz
Festival Dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and Open Culture
Dunno whether it will be called «wanna do some self-government of the important stuff, liquid autonomy style, seriously». Title was a quick shot, 5min to 12, lacking somewhat. Same goes for the proposals txt. So there will be changes up to #AMRO2016. But here what it is right now:
liquid autonomy
I’d like to present, discuss, test the idea of ‘liquid autonomy’. That is to say a concept for self-government of public goods and infrastructure in the digital age.
The coined term of course affiliates and same time distinguishes ‘liquid autonomy’ to the concepts of liquid feedback and liquid democracy. It’s about something else and about more. It’s about autonomous self-government of stuff that is important to all of us, public media, universities, health insurances, telecom providers, public transport, the social insurance system, parts of municipal administration like urban development or waste management, schools, theaters, museums, power supply and so on.
The thought is basically that all users have equal rights to partake in the administration of public goods and infrastructure and the idea is that they all have to have equal access to the means of self-government too.
The model of ‘liquid autonomy’ as it stands now distinguishes four dimensions or facets of liquid self-government:
(1) general debate of all issues brought up,
(2) monitoring and controlling of the whole organization,
(3) ongoing decision-making as well as
(4) election and appointment of new members of the management.
We all as owners of public goods, users of public infrastructure in this model form associations of partakers that govern administration units. In a complex system of checks’n’balances we collectively appoint, entrust and authorize, we oversee, question and strip-off. We discuss, come up with ideas, task our administration units, decide on elaborated plans, scan economic activity. We have access to discussions, data, reports, members of the administration units and our fellow partakers. We have responsibilities, possibilities to partake in the ongoing self-government as well as possibilities to delegate.
So that’s what I would like to lay out and discuss. And furthermore, if possible, it’d be great to use the workshop to collectively improve the model, maybe bring the ‘liquid autonomy’-concept to a degree where it’s worth spreading around, where it can ignite debate, become a popular political demand.